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student artwork- patterned collagraphs

Unit Overview

Big Idea: Play

Content Statement: Students will use play to create interesting collaged compositions.

Objectives/Expected Learner Outcomes

Students will demonstrate an understanding that lines and shapes cane be combined to create pattern. They will also create and print a collagraph print.

Standards of Education

1.7 The student will identify and use the following in works of art:

Color- primary

Line—zigzag, dotted, wavy, spiral

Shape—geometric, organic

Pattern—alternating, repeating

1.8 The student will arrange shapes in space within the picture plane.

1.12 The student will use motor skills (e.g., cutting, modeling, molding, tearing, weaving) to create two- and three-dimensional works of art.

Student Group Targeted

1st grade

Time Required

2, 40 minute session

Lesson 1

Materials and Resources- poster board, scissors, glue bottles/sticks, scraps of cardboard, paper, string, Styrofoam, resources: El Anatsui, Wonju Seo

Itinerary and Instructional Strategies

Key Terms

1. textile

2. pattern, line, shape

3. collage

4. printmaking

5. collagraph

Discussion/Questioning Strategies

What is a textile? What is line? Shape? What is a pattern? How can we use lines and shape to create patterns? How do textiles use patterns? What is a collage? What is printmaking? What is a collagraph?


Demonstrate how to cut and paste scraps of cardboard, paper, string and Styrofoam onto collagraph plate. Encourage craftsmanship.

Student Independent Practice

Students will cut and paste shapes and lines to create patterns on their collagraph plates.


Clean up. If extra time occurs, students will answer critical thinking questions (on tables).

Time Flow

10 minutes- Discussion/Questioning Strategies

20 minutes- Student Independent Practice

10 minutes- Closure

Evaluation Strategies

- Before moving from discussion to independent practice, student will be asked questions reviews concepts, vocabulary and assignment.

- Students will review critical thinking strategies on tables after clean up.

- Students should demonstrate in their work:

- An ability to create pattern through the use of various lines and shapes.

- An understanding of collage and collagraph.

Lesson 2

Materials and Resources- collagraphs, tempera paints, paint brushes/brayers, white construction paper

Itinerary and Instructional Strategies

Key Terms

1. printmaking

2. printing plate

3. collagraph

4. primary colors

5. resources: Brenda Hartill

Discussion/Questioning Strategies

What is a collage? What is printmaking? What is a collagraph? How did we use shapes and lines to create patterns? What are primary colors? What happens when we mix primary colors? How can color create interesting compositions? How do we print printing plates?


Demonstrate how to paint collagraph plate for printing. Emphasize importance of working fast, covering the whole plate and not using too much paint or too little paint. Then demonstrate how to print plate, using pressure all over.

Student Independent Practice

Students will paint and print their collagraph plates onto white paper.


Clean up. If extra time occurs, students will answer critical thinking questions (on tables).

Time Flow

10 minutes- Discussion/Questioning Strategies

20 minutes- Student Independent Practice

10 minutes- Closure

Evaluation Strategies

- Before moving from discussion to independent practice, student will be asked questions reviews concepts, vocabulary and assignment.

- Students will review critical thinking strategies on tables after clean up.

- Students should demonstrate in their work:

- An ability to follow the steps of the printmaking process.

- Interesting color compositions.

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